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Folded Newspapers

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Gazette d'Islington

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Front cover of the Islington gazette Newspaper

Norme du soir 

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Front cover of the Evening standard newspaper

du quotidien


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Back cover of the Daily mail newspaper

Irish Times

The Irish Times has delivered top quality news, opinion and analysis since it was first published in 1859. As media technologies evolve, so do our methods of storytelling and delivery. The Irish Times continues the transition from print to multiplatform publication, while upholding the journalistic principles that earned it the reputation as Ireland’s paper of reference.

Page frome the Irish Times newspaper



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Front cover of the Sun newspaper



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Front cover of the Mirror sport newspaper



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Back page of the Metro newspaper

Irish Mirror is the digital voice and online edition of the Irish Daily Mirror newspaper.

Launched in 1997, the Irish Mirror has become the very clear voice of working class people in the ROI campaigning for better pay, better working conditions, better education for everyone and a better health service for all in both print and online. 

Page from the Irish Mirror newspaper

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